Adding a Network

This section provides guidance on adding new networks to your wallet


  1. Device (e.g., PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone)

  2. Browser (e.g., Chrome, Brave, or Opera)

  3. Web3 Wallet such as Metamask installed

  4. Discord account

  5. Phone number


1. Go to the Entangle Testnet page and connect your Web3 Wallet by choosing one of the options from the list. This guide will be done with a Metamask wallet.

2. If prompted, log in to your Metamask Account and click Next. Then, click Connect.

3. Select the required network in the dropdown list. Then, approve the addition of a new network to your wallet by clicking the button Approve.

4. After that your wallet will ask you if you want to switch to the added network. Click Switch Network.

5. Done! You have just added a new network to your wallet. In the same way, you can add the rest of the test networks. You may also add them manually, which the next section will explore:

How to manually add a Network

In this example we will be adding the Entangle Testnet Network with details described in the table at the end of this article

1. Open your wallet and click Add Network. You will be redirected to your wallet page in a new tab.

2. In the opened window, click Add a network manually.

3. Fill in the details of the Entangle Testnet Network and click Save. Switch to the Entangle Testnet network if necessary by clicking Switch to Entangle Testnet.

4. You will now be able to access the Entangle Testnet. To test the functionality on each of the integrated networks, please add them by filling out all relevant details specified in this table

Network Details

If you encounter any issues or require assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to the Entangle team or the community for support via the Entangle Discord channel.

Last updated